Training Partners Are Your Best Friend

By Christopher Lestan

Training, working out, or simply picking stuff up can be tough. Sometimes its a drag, and often can wear and tear on our minds. This can lead to over-training or even the worst of the options…. quitting. That is why it’s always important to have a training partner. While this article can be about training partners are important. I’m going to reflect on why they are your best friends and simply the closest thing to family outside of the family.

To put it simply… your training partner sees you at your worst, best, and even both at the same time. They have seen you scream at the barbell when it doesn’t move on an attempt in your 5×5 workout program. They have seen you come into the gym angry, frustrated and upset about something in your personal life. They have seen you make personal bests on lifts, and the hard work and determination it has taken to you to get to that goal.

Your training partner or partners are there always in the lowest of times, and the highest of times. They are there when you win 1st Overall at Worlds, 2nd overall at Worlds, or not even placing in the top 10. Heck, when you bomb out of meet they tend to be the first ones to tell you “it’s alright”. No matter the place of a competition they are always there. They don’t leave and go off to find the next “big thing” in the field of lifting. They stay put and get you ready for the next training cycle.

They help you load your barbell for the first set for the workout and decide whether or not that was “RPE 9”, “RPE 7.5” or “RPE 11/10″. Often they will be pushing you to do another set because they want to go home and go to bed. Sometimes you sit there with your training partner after a set of 10 and stare at each other and say at the same time ” 3 more sets”.

Your training partners are also your best critic. Often the saying “you had one more”, “didn’t hit depth”, or “no lockout” are often sayings that will be heard in the gym. This can lead to some heated arguments, but in a couple of hours, you will be on good terms again.

Your training partners are best friends. They are always there. They won’t leave.