By Bill Clark

For a variety of reasons, this year’s Backbreaker, named for Steve Schmidt, the original organizer of this event, which, for years, was named the USAWA National Heavy Lift Championship, had only two serious competitors and one has-been who called it a day after one event.

John Carter, who has won the event many times, added another title in his Hall of Fame career. Tony Lupo was Carter’s sidekick. It was Tony’s second year in the event, and he set personal records in all but the back lift.

The has-been was your newsletter editor who has battled the tag end of an earlier mild bout of the corona virus – which has been slow to move on, leaving the Old Guy with shortness of breath and fatigue, both of which are slowly improving but have kept him from doing his proposed 90 different lifts at age 90.

Ol’ Clark did a 565-lb. hip lift at a bodyweight of 202 pounds – and called it a day. His 565 was only the second hip lift recorded by a 90-year-old. The other was 450 done by Art Montini in the 85-kilo class not long before he died. Your editor hopes that is not a hidden message to the latest 90-year-old effort.

The results:

Lifter Age Division weight class Backlift Harness Lift Hip Lift Hand and Thigh Neck Lift Total Adjusted
John Carter 64 60 215 100 1505* 2000 1605 800 245 6155 6607.39
Tony Lupo 56 55 236 110 925 1400 1055 510 275 4165 3,973.98
Bill Clark 90 90 202 95 565* 565

Bodyweight is listed in pounds.  All weights are listed in pounds.  The one official system was used.  Officials in this meet were Bill Clark and Tony Lupo. All national records are denoted with an asterisk (*).