Newcomer Award Winner!

By Al Myers

John Strangeway (left) receiving the USAWA Newcomer Award from Al Myers (right).

John Strangeway (left) receiving the USAWA Newcomer Award from Al Myers (right).

A big CONGRATS goes to this year’s Newcomer Award Winner Johnny Strangeway.   Johnny has been a great addition to the USAWA and very, very deserving of this award.  He lifts with the KCSTRONGMAN Club and has been present at many events during the past couple of years.  I was honored to present him with this award at the recent OTSM World Postal at the Dino Gym.

Also, Scottish Johnny just earned official judging status in the USAWA by being approved as a new USAWA Certified Official. He is now on the list of Level 1 Test Qualified Officials.