Leadership Award: Runner-Up

By Eric Todd

Runner-up in the leadership category:  Bill Clark

Runner-up in the leadership category: Bill Clark

This award is given the following description:

This is for an individual that has shown exceptional leadership qualities within the USAWA during the past year. Things that should be looked at are: going above the level expected of an Officer position, promoting sanctioned events with emphasis being on promoting National or World Competitions, promoting the USAWA by developing a strong club, writing articles for publications about the USAWA, or through other means.

This year’s runner-up in the Leadership category goes to Bill Clark.  Bill has resurrected his “Clark’s Gym” USAWA club of late, bringing in many new lifters and revitalizing the lifting careers of others.  He has sanctioned and promoted 6 events since last year’s nationals.  I am quite certain he has the only commercial all-round gym in Missouri, and I am sure one of the few in the USA.  His club members have competed in local, and distant meets including worlds, and they have a very strong presence in our quarterly postal events.  This accolade is well deserved.  Congrats, Bill!