The Arnold

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    • #20654

        The Arnold

        I'm the lyrical Jesse James

      • #20657


        • #20656
          Travis Willingham

            I haven’t been in a few years and they didn’t have such glorious things as pole fitness when I was there, but I’d have to say, seeing a fella in that sport would be odd.

            The freakshow though is almost the most entertaining part. Just people watching is an event there.

            What was kind of shocking to me when I was there was the emphasis on bodybuilding and that freakshow. We were concerned with getting close to the stage for strongman but as soon as bodybuilding was over, the stage area cleared out and we’d stand right next to the stage. Close enough that we’d chit chat with the competitors. People just didn’t seem to care about it. Or when we’d go watch powerlifting, there was nobody there. It’s as if the emphasis of the Arnold is the sport of looking good, bodybuilding, rather than the strength sports. It’s all about the fake tans and fake cans. I just thought it was odd because I went to see actual sporting competitions.

          • #20655
            Chad Ullom

              That has changed Travis. We couldn’t get real close to the strongman. During the DL comp, though we got some pretty good seats. I wasn’t around for any bobybuilding, I think it may have been in a diff venue. I’m sure that’s still the emphasis.

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