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    • #24842
      Al Myers


      • #24859
        Al Myers

          HACK HACK HACK Geez, thanks Thom!

        • #24857
          Thom Van Vleck

            Well, at least we don’t have to deal with second hand chew…..unless you count the time Chad accidently took a sip of your spit cup.

            Thom Van Vleck
            Jackson Weightlifting Club
            Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

          • #24855
            Al Myers

              Chad – I’m not involved at all with this personal attack on you – blame it all on Thom the Marlboro Man. Al

            • #24853
              Travis Willingham

                When I was in High School on a trip to the National FFA Convention, we were all chewing tobacco and passing a spit cup around. One guy who had just tried chew for the first time smelt the cup and being already nauseous from the chew, ended up having to hang his head out the bus window for most of the trip back home.
                A few months later in the spring, some of us got the Agriculture Teacher to get one of the school’s small buses and take us in an unofficial FFA trip down to the Farm Show going on in St. Louis. Well, one fellow and I went to a couple of the tobacco booths for free samples and they gave us a ridiculous amount of chew. We even asked if they had any pouches and they gave us a box of three full sized pouches. We passed it all out amongst our group. Well when we got back to the school, we went to the kid’s locker who was previously sick from the smell of chew and proceeded to just fill his locker full of chew sprinkling it on everything (we didn’t have locks on our lockers as we didn’t steal from each other). Being a warm spring weekend and a school without the modern convenience of air-conditioning, his locker was pretty ripe smelling by monday morning. We all sat around and waited for him to show up to school and when he opened his locker, he lost his breakfast all over the hallway.

              • #24851

                  I have to agree with Big T that nicotine from chewing is as bad to your health as smoking.

                • #24849
                  Thom Van Vleck

                    Uh-Oh, Al…..even Dad agrees with Big T! Who taught you those bad habits! Are you the black sheep in the family!!!

                    Thom Van Vleck
                    Jackson Weightlifting Club
                    Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                  • #24847
                    Thom Van Vleck

                      Wow, Al, I used to do substance abuse counseling and that was some world class justification. De-Nial isn’t just a river in Egypt! I’m glad you have finally given credit where credit is due and all your big lifts and throws were the singular result of your chewing.

                      But seriously…..Mt. Dew is chock full of goodness. Including lots of essential sugars. Caffiene is practically a vitamin. Plus, I need it to wash down my anti-inflammatories…….hahahahaha

                      Thom Van Vleck
                      Jackson Weightlifting Club
                      Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                    • #24845
                      Al Myers

                        “Da Nial isn’t just a river in Egypt” hahahahaha I bet you use THAT one every day in your counseling sessions! I bet you’re just like that ex-drill instructor shrink in that TV commercial that called his patient a jackwagon!! haha Al

                      • #24844
                        Thom Van Vleck

                          Hey, love me, hate me….I’m gonna get a reaction. I won’t say I’ve ever tossed a tissue box at anyone, but I’ve told the TRUTH and that’s way more painful!!!!!

                          Thom Van Vleck
                          Jackson Weightlifting Club
                          Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

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