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    • #22932
      Al Myers

        I’M BACK!

      • #22942

          Welcome back Al.

          I'm the lyrical Jesse James

        • #22941

            “big” is always relative, isn’t it? :/

            welcome back. i’ve been gone myself, i need to get back to it.

          • #22940
            Al Myers


              Since there are no guesses, I’ll tell everyone….58 pounds!

            • #22939

                that puts you in the super hwt.

              • #22938
                Thom Van Vleck

                  I was going to guess all your “fish” were 12oz.

                  Thom Van Vleck
                  Jackson Weightlifting Club
                  Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

                • #22937
                  Travis Willingham

                    Nice fish. I got a 45 and 28 this year. The 28 was only 2 inches over legal length. We had one guy fight one all the way to the boat and I missed with the gaff and the hook broke. Would’ve gone 60ish.

                  • #22936
                    Al Myers

                      I HATE THAT when I miss with the gaff!!!

                      One of these years we need to meet up when we’re snagging. I absolutely love snagging and wish I could take more days off during the season for it. Al

                    • #22935
                      Travis Willingham

                        National Geographic has that new show called Wicked Tuna about tuna fishermen. Those guys put a rope around the tail of those tuna to help bring them in. I may try that next year as an extra way of wrangling them aboard. There is usually 4 of us that fish together so with 1 driving the boat, 1 fighting the fish and 1 gaffing. Since 1 guy is just watching we decided to go with 2 guys on gaffs after that lost fish, luckily we had two gaffs.

                        I felt bad for missing with the gaff, as did the other guy who missed after me, but we still rode that fellow all day for buying cheap hooks that break and repeatedly told him it was ALL his fault.

                      • #22934
                        Al Myers

                          I did snag one paddlefish this year that had it’s bottom jaw ripped out in the center. I could tell it was caused by a gaff. It had a tear in it’s side where I could tell a hook was at one time. Hopefully this wasn’t the one you missed cause it was a nice fish!!!! haha Al

                        • #22933
                          Travis Willingham

                            We usually aim for the tail section with the gaff because there’s less meat tore up that way and sometimes get the gaff all the way through since it’s only a few inches thick.

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