Don’t be a Jerk

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    • #24487
      Thom Van Vleck

        Don’t be a Jerk

        Thom Van Vleck
        Jackson Weightlifting Club
        Highland Games athlete and sometimes All-Rounder

      • #24499
        Al Myers

          Thom, I know 1928 was the year the Olympics reduced the Olympic lifts from 5 to 3, but I’m not sure about when the use of the Continental was disallowed. I do know the Continental WAS used in World Competitions in the very early 1900’s. I’m going to have to do some research on this.

          As for allowing the Jerk to be continentaled (and thus allowing a press out), I have NEVER heard of that being allowed before anywhere besides the IAWA(UK) Rulebook. Has anyone else heard of this happening in the history of the Clean and Jerk? What about the Continental Snatch? It seems if you are following the same line of reasoning a press out would also be allowed on the Continental Snatch. The IAWA rules state the last movement of the Continental Snatch must follow the rules of the Snatch, so a press out is NOT allowed there. Hmm.. seems like double talk to me. Al

        • #24495

            Maybe we should change the names for both groups. USAWA style could become the “This Continent Continental Clean and Jerk”. IAWA style could become the “That Continent Continental Clean and Jerk”? I’ll probably get banned for this post. Not that I can blame anyone.

          • #24494
            Al Myers

              Haha Now THAT is funny!! Especially considering the history of how the continental got named in the first place. In the late 1800s the big German lifters (who main nutritional supplement was beer) had guts that were so big that it interfered with bringing the bar from the floor to the chest in one motion, so they started bringing the bar to their bellys first before going to the chest. The more “pure” lifters (mainly the English) thought this was not good technique, and labeled it the continental, which referred to how everyone else was doing it on the rest of the continent. And now we have the continental continental!!! Al

            • #24492

                Maybe what we got here is a bad case of incontinents?!?!

              • #24490

                  i thought a continental was just a clean while eating a croissant?

                • #24488

                    you win

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